The Wadden Sea as ”Heimat”
Large-scale Wadden Sea survey in Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands
The Institute for Coastal Research at the Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht would like to understand what the people who live on the Wadden Sea coast think about their region. Professor Dr. Beate Ratter, head of department at the Institute for Coastal Research, has initiated the survey and carries it out together with the Dutch foundation WaddenArt. The survey takes place in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. Inhabitants of the Wadden Sea coast are invited to take part.

The Institute for Coastal Research at the Helmholtz Centre Geesthact would like to understand what the people who live on the Wadden Sea coast think about their region. Photo: HZG/Kira Gee
What does “Heimat” mean to you? Where do you feel at home?
How would you describe your home region to a friend or a visitor?
What have people who live in the Wadden Sea area in common?
These and more questions can be answered in our Wadden Sea survey directly on the internet. It will take you approximately 10 minutes to answer the 15 questions. Tell us your point of view on this very special region.
With this survey we would like to come to know your opinions and your views. It is not a question of right or wrong, instead we want to find out what your personal relationship is to the Wadden Sea.
Further information
Link to the department “Social economy of the coastal region“ at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Link to the Dutch foundation WaddenArt
Institute für Coastal Research
Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1241
E-mail contactMax-Planck-Straße 1
21502 Geesthacht