Küste Hero Istock-1618458398 Chirapriya Thanakonwirakit


One important part of our work is the cooperation with other research institutes, public institutions and companies. We have participated in multiple national and international projects. Some of the current projects are described below.

Current Projects

AcronymTitleFundingContact Person in KSDRuntime
BAW VertragEinbau der aktuellen Quellterme des Seegangmodells WAM in das Un_K_Modell der BAWBAWJoanna Staneva (KSD),
Heinz Günther (KSD)
2022 - 2025
C2-WakesControlled Cluster Wakes - Steuerung und Mitigation großskaliger WindparkeffekteBMWKJohannes Schulz-Stellenfleth2023 - 2026
CLICCSCluster of Excellence -Climate, Climate Change and SocietyDFGParticipating scientists from the department of Hydrodynamics and Data Assimilation:
Dr. Joanna Staneva, Dr. Johannes Pein, Thi Thao Nguyen
2019 - 2025
CMEMS 2 (Phase 1) BS-MFCBlack Sea Monitoring and Forecasting Centre (CMEMS2)EUJoanna Staneva2022 - 2024
COASTAL-RISKS Predicting risks of the German Bight Coasts under extreme storm eventsEUBenjamin Jacob 2022 - 2024
CRANMAN IIWissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zur Biologie und Fischerei der Nordseegarnele CRANgon crangon als Basis für ein effizientes Selbst-MANagement System
(Folgeprojekt zu CRANMAN, 2018-2022)
Niedersachsen/ EMFAF,
Leitung: Uni Hamburg
Joanna Staneva (KSD),
Marcel Ricker (KSD)
2024 - 2026
DANUBIUS-RIEuropäische Forschungsinfrastruktur zur Untersuchung von Fluss-Meer-Systemen Joanna Staneva (KSD),
Johannes Pein (KSD)
2020 - 2030
DEISYDEsign study (and Implementation) of a high-resolution forecasting SYstem for the blue and green ocean in the North SeaMercator Océan International,
Leitung BSH
Marcel Ricker (KSD)2023 - 2024
DOORSDeveloping Optimal and Open Research Support for the Black SeaEUJoanna Staneva (KSD),
Andreas Neumann (KCN)
2021 - 2025
DWD VertragTechnischer Support und Validierung des gekoppelten Wellenmodells „ICON-WAM“ des DWDDWDJoanna Staneva (KSD),
Marcel Ricker (KSD)
2023 - 2027
EDITO - Model LabUnderlying models for the European Digital Twin OceanEUJoanna Staneva2023 - 2025
FOCCUSForecasting and observing the open-to-coastal ocean for Copernicus usersEUJoanna Staneva2024 - 2026
JERICO-S3 (KS Teil)Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, SustainabilityEUJohannes Schulz-Stellenfleth 2020 - 2024
LandSeaLotLand-Sea interface: Let’s observe together! EUYoana Voynova (KCP), Holger Brix (KCG),
Joanna Staneva (KSD)
2024 - 2028
MANCOGAMangroves as Nature-Based Solutions to Coastal Hazards in Eastern GhanaMeerWissen Initiative, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)Holger Brix (KCG),
Joanna Staneva (KSD),
Bughsin Djath (KSD),
Philip-Neri Jayson-Quashigah
2022 - 2025
NAPSEAThe effectiveness of nitrogen and phosphorus load reduction measures from source to sea, considering the effects of climate changeEU Justus van Beusekom (KCN), Johannes Pein (KSD)2022 - 2025
NECCTONNew Copernicus capability for trophic ocean networksEUUte Daewel (KST),
Zhiyong Xie (KUO),
Participating scientists from KSD: Joanna Staneva
2023 - 2026
OLAMUROffshore low-trophic aquaculture in multi-use scenario realizationEUJoanna Staneva (KSD),
Jochen Horstmann (KDD)
2023 - 2026
REST-COASTLarge scale restoration of coastal ecosystems: river to sea connectivityEUJoanna Staneva2021 - 2026
SEA-ReCapResearch Capacity Building for healthy, productive and resilient Seas - European PartneringHGFJoanna Staneva2021 - 2025
VERYBLUEValidation/VERIfication and intercomparison of forecast and reanalysis BLUE productsMercator Océan InternationalJoanna Staneva (KSD)2023 - 2024

Closed Projects 2017 - 2023

Black Sea CONNECTCoordination of marine and maritime research and innovation in the Black SeaEU (H2020)Joanna Staneva2019 - 2022
BluEsBlue_Estuaries - Nachhaltige Ästuar Entwicklung unter Klimawandel und anderen StressorenBMBFJohannes Pein2020 -2023
BS-MFC Add-OnCMEMS Black Sea Monitoring Forecasting Centre Phase 2 Add-on Joanna Staneva2021
COPERNICUS - Marine Enviroment Monitoring Service (CMEMC) Black SeaCOPERNICUS - Marine Enviroment Monitoring Service (CMEMC) Black SeaMercator OceanJoanna Staneva2018 - 2023
DWD VertragBeratung und Support für den DWD im Rahmen des DWD Projektes 2WICWAMDWDJoanna Staneva2019 - 2023
EO4BSPBlack Sea Environmental ProtectionESAJoanna Staneva2020 - 2022
ESMAdvanced Earth System Modelling Capacity - ESMHGFCorinna Schrum, Joanna Staneva, Johannes Schulz-Stellenfleth, Burkhardt Rockel2017 - 2021
IMMERSEImproving Models for Marine EnviRonment ServicesEU (H2020)Joanna Staneva2018 - 2022
OceanCurrentsOceanCurrents - Verbundprojekt WTZBMBFJohannes Schulz-Stellenfleth, Joanna Staneva2019 - 2023
SeaStar SciRec ESAJoanna Staneva 
Weiterentwicklung des Regionalen Ozeanmodells Zentrum Geoinfo der BundeswehrJoanna Staneva2020 - 2021
X-WakesInteraktion der Nachläufe großer Offshore-Windparks und Windparkcluster mit der marinen atmosphärischen GrenzschichtBMWiJohannes Schulz-Stellenfleth 2019 - 2022