%0 conference lecture %@ %A Sahlmann, L., Özkan, C., Konchakova, N., Taheri, P., Mol, J.M.C., Höche, D., Lamaka, S., Feiler, C., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2023 %J 35th Conference on Surface Modification Technologies (SMT 35) %T Selection of Effective Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminium based on Data-Driven Techniques %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Würger, T., Song, C., Vaghefinazari, B., Lisitsyna, A., Fischer, P., Wiese, G., Zheludkevich, M., Albarquoni, S., Lamaka, S., Feiler, C. %D 2023 %J EUROCORR 2023 %T The Needles in the Haystack: An Active Design of Experiments for Accelerated Discovery of Magnesium Corrosion Inhibitors %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Sahlmann, L., Feiler, C., Konchakova, N., Özkan, C., Taheri, P., Mol, J.M.C., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M.L. %D 2023 %J EUROCORR 2023 %T Selection of Effective Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminium Alloys based on Data-Driven Techniques %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Gazenbiller, E., Mansoor, S., Konchakova, N., Serdechnova, M., Zheludkevich, M.L., Blawert, C., Höche, D. %D 2023 %J 7th ICEAF (Interrnational Conference of Engineering against Fracture) %T Modelling mechanically induced failure of PEO coated extruded Mg %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Würger, T., Song, C., Vaghefinazari, B., Lisitsyna, A., Fischer, P., Wiese, G., Zheludkevich, M.L., Albarquoni, S., Lamaka, S.V., Feiler, C. %D 2023 %J Helmholtz AI Conference 2023 %T The Needles in the Haystack: An Active Design of Experiments for Accelerated Discovery of Magnesium Corrosion Inhibitors %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Gazenbiller, E., Arya, V., Reitz, R., Oechsner, M., Zheludkevich, M., Höche, D. %D 2023 %J 9th ASST Symposium %T Numerical modelling of alcoholate pitting corrosion of AA1050 in ethanol-blended fuels %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Deng, M., Wang, L., Snihirova, D., Bohlen, J., Kurz, G., Lamaka, S., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2022 %J 79th Annual IMA World Magnesium Conference %T Micro-alloyed Mg-Ca: corrosion susceptibility to heating history and a problem-solving approach %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Würger, T., Wang, L., Snihirova, D., Lamaka, S., Winkler, D., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M., Meißner, R., Feiler, C. %D 2022 %J EUROCORR 2022 %T Boosting the Performance of Magnesium Batteries: Data-Driven Selection of Electrolyte Additives %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Sahlmann, L., Feiler, C., Konchakova, N., Özkan, C., Taheri, P., Mol, J.M.C., Winkler, D.A., Höche, D., Lamaka, S., Zheludkevich, M.L. %D 2022 %J EUROCORR 2022 %T Data-driven Selection of Effective Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminium %U %X %0 conference lecture (invited) %@ %A Feiler, C., Würger, T., Song, C., Vaghefinazari, B., Fischer, P., Wiese, G., Zheludkevich, M., Lisitsyna, A., Albarqouni, S., Lamaka, S. %D 2022 %J Helmholtz AI FFT Seminar Series %T Eyesight to AI: Discovery of efficient corrosion modulators via predictive machine learning models %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Berger, S., Ravikumar, A., Gouttebroze, S., Justnes, H., Friis, J., Zheludkevich, M., Höche, D. %D 2022 %J EUROCORR 2022 %T Simulation workflow for the optimization of corrosion performance of aluminium reinforced concrete %U %X %0 conference lecture (invited) %@ %A Feiler, C., Würger, T., Sahlmann, L., Meißner, R., Wang, L., Snihirova, D., Schiessler, E., Aydin, R., Cyron, C., Winkler, D., Mei, D., Vaghefinazari, B., Lamaka, S., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2022 %J Data Science for Science Seminar Series %T Predicting the Corrosion Inhibition Efficiencies of Magnesium Dissolution Modulators using Computational Techniques %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Feiler, C., Würger, T., Meißner, R., Schiessler, E., Aydin, R., Cyron, C., Winkler, D., Mei, D., Vaghefinazari, B., Lamaka, S., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2022 %J EUROCORR 2022 %T Predicting the Corrosion Inhibition Efficiencies of Magnesium Dissolution Modulators %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Würger, T., Wang, L., Snihirova, D., Deng, M., Lamaka, S., Winkler, D., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M., Meißner, R., Feiler, C. %D 2022 %J eSSENCE-EMMC Meeting 2022 on Multiscale modelling of materials and molecules %T Data-driven Selection of Electrolyte Additives for Aqueous Magnesium Batteries %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Würger, T., Wang, L., Snihirova, D., Deng, M., Lamaka, S., Winkler, D., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M., Meißner, R., Feiler, C. %D 2022 %J Flagship Workshop Virtual Materials Design %T Data-driven Selection of Electrolyte Additives for Aqueous Magnesium Batteries %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Naacke, T., Silva Campos, M., Blawert, C., Störmer, M., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2022 %J Aerospace Seminar %T Optimierung der Stahlvorbehandlung zur Beschichtung mit Aluminium per IVD-Verfahren %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Berger, S., Gouttebroze, S., Fris, J., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2022 %J Materials Science and Engineering Congress 2022 %T Workflow for the prediction of corrosion induced failure in 6082 aluminum reinforced concrete %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Deng, M., Wang, L., Vaghefinazari, B., Snihirova, D., Lamaka, S., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2022 %J 4th International Symposium on Magnesium Batteries %T Regulating the self-discharge of primary aqueous mg batteries via anode design %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Wang, L., Snihirova, D., Deng, M., Wang, C., Vaghefinazari, B., Wiese, G., Langridge, M., Höche, D., Lamaka, S., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2022 %J Regional Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry %T Insight into physical interpretation of time constants in electrochemical impedance spectra of Mg %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Snihirova, D., Wang, L., Vaghefinazari, B., Deng, M., Höche, D., Lamaka, S., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2022 %J Regional Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry %T Enhancement of Mg-air Battery Performance by Controlling the Mg Electrode-Electrolyte Interface with Additives %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Snihirova, D., Wang, L., Wang, C., Vaghefinazari, B., Deng, M., Höche, D., Lamaka, S., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2022 %J 4th international symposium on magnesium batteries %T Study of interface electrolyte conditions during discharge of aqueous mg-air battery with electrolyte additives %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Snihirova, D., Wang, L., Deng, M., Vaghefinazari, B., Höche, D., Lamaka, S., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2022 %J Fall meeting European Materials Research Society %T Electrolyte additives as effective way to improve aqueous Mg-air battery performance %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Berger, S., Ravikumar, A., Gouttebroze, S., Justnes, H., Friis, J., Myhr, O., Furu, T., Zheludkevich, M., Höche, D. %D 2022 %J European Corrosion Congress %T Simulation workflow for the optimization of protective interface layer formation in novel aluminium reinforced concrete %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Berger, S., Zheludkevich, M., Höche, D., Gouttebroze, S., Friis, J., Justnes, H., Myhr, O., Furu, T. %D 2022 %J Material Science and Engineering Congress %T Simulation workflow for the optimization of protective interface layer formation in novel aluminium reinforced concrete %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Wang, C., Lamaka, S., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2022 %J 14th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals for Biomedical Applications %T The role of oxygen during Mg corrosion in HBSS %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Ravikumar, A., Feiler, C., Höche, D., Prabhakar, M., Rohwerder, M., Ochoa Saenz de la Fuente, J., Rodriguez Jimenez, J., Guinea, E., Lekka, M., Artola, G., Mardaras, E., Zheludkevich, M.L. %D 2022 %J MSE 2022 %T A microstructural hydrogen permeation model of ultra-high strength martensitic steels with zinc-nickel coating %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Ravikumar, A., Feiler, C., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M.L., Prabhakar, M., Rohwerder, M., Ochoa Saenz de la Fuente, J., Rodriguez Jimenez, J., Guinea, E., Lekka, M., Artola, G., Mardaras, E. %D 2022 %J The 2nd corrosion and materials degradation web conference %T A microstructural hydrogen permeation model of ultra-high strength martensitic steels with zinc-nickel coating %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Konchakova, N., Mir, Z., Zheludkevich, M., Hagelien, T., Friis, J. %D 2021 %J 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIV) & 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Science and Engineering (ECCOMAS) %T Ontology Assistant Damage Modelling For Construction Sector %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Zheludkevich, M., Konchakova, N. %D 2021 %J 6th International Conference of Engineering Againsa Failure; ICEAF %T Surface treatment against environment induced failure and damage: modelling; characterization and ontology aspects %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Konchakova, N., Blawert, C., Scharnagl, N., Bohlen, J., Hoeche, D., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2021 %J 6th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure (ICEAF) %T Fatigue behavior of micro-alloyed MgZnCa with PEO-coating %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Deng, M., Wang, L., Vaghefinazari, B., Snihirova, D., Lamaka, S., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2021 %J E-MRS 2021 Fall Meeting %T Ca-based micro-alloying enabling high-performance Mg anodes for aqueous batteries %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Gazenbiller, E., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M., Reitz, R., Oechsner, M. %D 2021 %J MS&T21: Materials Science & Technology %T Modelling Alkoxide Corrosion Initiation of Pure-aluminum in Ethanol with Integrated Simulation-based Experimental Methods %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M., Arya, V., Reitz, R., Oechsner, M. %D 2021 %J Eurocorr 2021 %T Modelling of microstructure-dependent localized alcoholate corrosion of Al by phase-field method %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Würger, T., Mei, D., Vaghefinazari, B., Winkler, D., Lamaka, S., Zheludkevich, M., Meißner, R., Feiler, C. %D 2021 %J Virtual Materials Design 2021 %T Exploring chemical space using computational techniques %U %X %0 conference lecture (invited) %@ %A Blawert, C., Lu, X., Chen, Y., Yang, J., Serdechnova, M., Lamaka, S., Scharnagl, N., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2019 %J 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials Science and Mechanical Engineering, Workshop Tansfer-Funcoat %T Development and design of novel multifunctional PEO coatings %U %X %0 conference lecture (invited) %@ %A Deng, M., Wang, L., Snihirova, D., Lamaka, S., Vaghefinazari, B., Höche, D., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2019 %J 16th Annual German-Japanese Colloquium %T Computational assisted Mg anode design for post Li energy storage devices %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Blawert, C., Scharnagl, N., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2019 %J European Corrosion Congress, Eurocorr 2019 %T Influence of water purity on the corrosion behavior of Mg0.5ZnX (X=Ca, Ge) alloys %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Mir, Z.M., Hoeche, D., Zheludkevich, M.L., Gomez, C., Sampaio, R., Bastos, A., Ferreira, M., maincon, P. %D 2019 %J Conference on Durable Concrete for Infrastructure under Severe Conditions %T An Overview on the Numerical Modelling of “Self-Protection” Processes in Concrete: Application to Layered Double Hydroxides %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Mir, Z.M., Zheludkevich, M.L. %D 2019 %J 15th International Conference on Computational Plasticity, Complas 2019 - Fundamentals and Applications %T Numerical Modelling of “Self-Protection” Processes in Concrete and its application within a multiscale framework %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Jiang, P., Blawert, C., Bohlen, J., Konchakova, N., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2019 %J European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes, EUROMAT 2019 %T Influence of corrosion on the fatigue behavior and mechanical properties of micro-alloyed MgZnCa and MgZnGe alloys %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Sousa, I., Neves, C., Freitas, A., Reyes, M., Fraga, S., Scharnagl, N., Zheludkevich, M.L., Ferreira, M.G., Teixeira, J.P., Tedim, J. %D 2019 %J European Corrosion Congress, Eurocorr 2019 %T Development of functional coatings for the controlled degradation and corrosion protection of biocompatible Mg alloys %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Wu, T., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L. %D 2019 %J 33rd SMT Conference on Surface Modification Technologies %T Influence of Secondary Phases of Al9Si3Cu Alloy on the PEO Coating Formation Process %U %X %0 conference lecture (invited) %@ %A Scharnagl, N., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L. %D 2019 %J Sitzung des Bundesverband der Deutschen Gießerei-Industrie (BDG) - Arbeitskreis „Magnesiumdruckguss“ %T Korrosion und Korrosionsschutz von Magnesiumbauteilen %U %X %0 conference lecture (invited) %@ %A Hoeche, D., Gazenbiller, E., Giessgen, T., Mittelbach, A., Konchakova, N., Lamaka, S.V., Feiler, C., Mir, Z., Snihirova, D., Meißner, R.H., Zheludkevich, M.L., Kainer, K.U. %D 2019 %J Korrosion ist kein Zufall, 3-Laäder-Korrosionstagung %T Modellierung und Simulation von Korrosionsprozessen fuer Schadensvorhersagen %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Feiler, C., Mei, D., Lamaka, S., Würger, T., Meißner, R., Winkler, D., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2019 %J European Corrosion Congress, Eurocorr 2019 %T In silico Discovery of Modulators of Magnesium Dissolution %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Lu, X., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M., Kainer, K.U., Zhang, T., Wang, F. %D 2019 %J 9th International Light Metals Technology Conference %T Formation of multi-functional PEO Coatings on Mg alloy %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Zheludkevich, M.L., Lamaka, S., Chen, Y., Hoeche, D., Blawert, C., Kainer, K.U. %D 2018 %J 147th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, TMS 2018 - Symposium Magnesium Technology 2018 %T Towards Active Corrosion Protection of Mg Alloys Using Corrosion Inhibition Approaches %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Mir, Z., Hoeche, D., Maincon, P., Bastos, A., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2018 %J 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECCM - ECFD 2018 %T Numerical Modelling of Reinforcement Corrosion in Concrete at Microscale in a Multiscale Framework %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Konchakova, N., Hoeche, D., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2018 %J 11th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and Their Applications, Mg 2018 %T Towards fully coupled simulation of Mg-corrosion and related mechanical property changes %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Blawert, C., Lu, X., Chen, Y., Yang, J., Serdechnova, M., Lamaka, S., Scharnagl, N., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2018 %J 11th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and Their Applications, Mg 2018 %T PEO Processing of Mg - Fundamentals and Problems %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Blawert, C., Lu, X., Chen, Y., Yang, J., Serdechnova, M., Lamaka, S., Scharnagl, N., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2018 %J 32nd International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, SMT 32 %T PEO processing of Mg alloys %U %X %0 conference lecture (invited) %@ %A Blawert, C., Lu, X., Chen, Y., Yang, J., Ma, X., Scharnagl, N., Hoeche, D., Serdechnova, M., Lamaka, S., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2018 %J 9th International Conference for Professionals and Young Scientists, Low Temperature Physics - ICPYS LTP 2018 %T Corrosion and Wear Protection of Mg Alloys by PEO Processing %U %X %0 conference lecture (invited) %@ %A Blawert, C., Lu, X., Chen, Y., Yang, J., Serdechnova, M., Lamaka, S., Scharnagl, N., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2018 %J Advanced Materials and Technologies 2018, 20th International Conference-School %T Control of Mg alloy corrosion/degradation by PEO processing %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Hoeche, D., Mir, Z.M., Svenum, I.H., Ringdalen, I.G., Swang, O., Maincon, P., Friis, J., Bastos, A.C., Rabade, M.P., Dragatogiannis, D.A., da Silva, N.D.F., Kartsonakis, I.A., Morozonis, A., Charitidis, C., Zheludkevich, M.L. %D 2018 %J Multiscale Modelling of Materials and Molecules 2018 %T Multiscale modelling of corrosion in reinforced concrete structures - The LORCENIS approach %U %X %0 conference lecture (invited) %@ %A Dieringa, H., Hort, N., Letzig, D., Bohlen, J., Hoeche, D., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M., Kainer, K.U. %D 2018 %J 147th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, TMS 2018 - Symposium Magnesium Technology 2018 %T Mg Alloys: Challenges and Achievements in Controlling Performance, and Future Application Perspectives %U %X %0 conference lecture (invited) %@ %A Kainer, K.U., Zheludkevich, M.L., Hoeche, D., Lamaka, S., Blawert, C., Serdechnova, M. %D 2018 %J International Conference on Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes for Strategic Sectors, ICAMPS 2018 %T Active Corrosion Protection for Light Alloys and Multi Materials Structures in Transportation Industries %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Blawert, C., Lu, X., Chen, Y., Yang, J., Ma, X., Scharnagl, N., Hoeche, D., Serdechnova, M., Lamaka, S., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2018 %J 11th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and Their Applications, Mg 2018 %T PEO processing of Mg alloys - How to Improve Corrosion and Wear Resistance %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Konchakova, N., Hoeche, D., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2018 %J Applied Science with constant Awareness, EUROCORR 2018 %T Deriving mechanical property changes from Mg corrosion modelling %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Mir, Z.M., Silva, N., Maincon, P., Dragatogiannis, D.A., Costas, C., Swang, O., Bastos, A.C., Mueller, U., Hoeche, D., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2017 %J 20th International Corrosion Congress & Process Safety Congress, EUROCORR 2017 %T Continuum Modelling of Corrosion Processes in Reinforced Concrete at Microscale %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Snihirova, D., Silva, E., Hoeche, D., Hack, T., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2017 %J 20th International Corrosion Congress & Process Safety Congress, EUROCORR 2017 %T Consecutive modelling of galvanic corrosion for hybrid joints in aircraft supported by advanced experimental methods %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Chen, Y., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L., Tao, Z., Fuhui, W. %D 2016 %J 19th Interfinish World Congress, Interfinish 2016 %T Interaction effect between different constituents in silicate containing electrolyte for PEO coatings on Mg alloy %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Hoeche, D., Trindade, E., Zheludkevich, M., Maincon, P., Swang, O., Zandi, K., Boesch, N.C., Mittelbach, A., Hack, T. %D 2016 %J Grundlagen und Simulation, Arbeitskreis der GfKORR Gesellschaft fuer Korrosionsschutz %T The challenge of service life prediction related corrosion modelling %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Blawert, C., Lu, X., Chen, Y., Mohedano, M., Lamaka, S., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2016 %J 19th Interfinish World Congress, Interfinish 2016 %T Plasma electrolytic oxidation treatments with additives to the processing electrolytes %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Hoeche, D., Trindade, E., Zheludkevich, M.L., Philippe, M., Swang, O., Zandi, K., Bösch, N.C., Mittelbach, A., Hack, T. %D 2016 %J International Workshop on Software Solutions for Integrated Computational Materials Engineering, ICME 2016 %T The challenge of service life prediction related corrosion modelling %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Lu, X., Blawert, C., Kainer, K.U., Zheludkevich, M.L. %D 2016 %J Eurocorr 2016 %T Investigation of the formation mechanisms of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on magnesium alloy using particles %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Ma, X., Blawert, C., Hoeche, D., Zheludkevich, M.L., Kainer, K.U. %D 2016 %J 1st International Conference on Applied Surface Science %T Investigation of electrode distance impact on PEO coating formation assisted by simulation %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Blawert, C., Lu, X., Kainer, K.U., Zheludkevich, M.L. %D 2016 %J Eurocorr 2016 %T Controllable degradable PEO coatings for magnesium and its alloys as biomaterials %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Lu, X., Schieda, M., Blawert, C., Kainer, K.U., Zheludkevich, M.L. %D 2016 %J 19th Interfinish World Congress, Interfinish 2016 %T Formation of photocatalytic plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on Mg alloy by incorporation of TiO2 particles %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Hoeche, D., Lamaka, S., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2016 %J DGM Fachausschuss Magnesium %T Effiziente Inhibierung der Magnesiumkorrosion %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Chen, Y., Zhang, T., Wang, F.H., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L. %D 2016 %J 67th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry %T Influence of second phase on corrosion performance and formation mechanism of anodized coating on AZ91 Mg alloy %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Bouali, A., Snihirova, D., Taryba, M., Serdechnova, M., Montemor, M.F., Zheludkevich, M.L., Lamaka, S.V. %D 2016 %J 67th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry %T False positives on self-healing by SVET %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Lamaka, S., Zheludkevich, M., Braun, T., Fichtner, M., Hoeche, D. %D 2016 %J 1st International Symposium on Magnesium Batteries, MagBatt 2016 %T Controlling the Mg – Anode degradation in aqueous electrolyte systems via additives %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Lu, X., Mohedano, M., Blawert, C., Matykina, E., Arrabal, R., Kainer, K.U., Zheludkevich, M.L. %D 2016 %J 5th International Conference on Electrochemical and Plasma Electrolytic Modification of Metal Surfaces %T Plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings with particle additions – A review %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Lamaka, S., Hoeche, D., Petrauskas, R., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2016 %J Eurocorr 2016 %T Iron complexing agents as new generation of Mg corrosion inhibitors %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Alexopoulos, N.D., Proiou, A., Dietzel, W., Blawert, C., Heitmann, V., Zheludkevich, M., Kourkoulis, S.K. %D 2016 %J 21st European Conference on Fracture, ECF21 %T Mechanical properties degradation of (Al-Cu-Li) 2198 alloy due to corrosion exposure %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Zheludkevich, M.L., Blawert, C., Lamaka, S.V., Hoeche, D. %D 2016 %J Leichtbau - Eine Notwendigkeit - Korrosion ein wichtiger Aspekt, 3-Laender-Korrosionstagung, Dechema %T Recent insights on Mg corrosion and its inhibition – Neueste Einblicke in die Mg-Korrosion sowie dessen Inhibierung %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Hoeche, D., Lamaka, S., Blawert, C., Scharnagl, N., Mendis, C., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2016 %J Eurocorr 2016 %T Novel insights into the corrosion mechanism of magnesium %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Lopez Sesenes, R., Oliveira, M.P., Kallip, S., Mohedano, M., Ferreira, M., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2015 %J 7th Aluminium Surface Science and Technology Symposuim, ASST 2015 %T Role of derivative functionality and inhibitor concentration on the corrosion inhibition of Al-CFRP system by synergistic mixes %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Sesenes, R.L., Serdechnova, M., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M., Kainer, K.U., Kallip, S. %D 2015 %J 1. Niedersaechsisches Symposium Materialtechnik %T Passive und aktive Korrosionsschutzschichten fuer galvanisch gekoppelte Multi-Material-Systeme %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Mohedano, M., Matykina, E., Arrabal, R., Mingo, B., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2015 %J 7th Aluminium Surface Science and Technology Symposuim, ASST 2015 %T PEO of rheocast A356 Al alloy: Energy efficiency and Corrosion properties %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Blawert, C., Lamaka, S., Hoeche, D., Serdechnova, M., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2015 %J Intermediate German-Korean Workshop %T Passive and Active Corrosion Protection of Magnesium and Multi Material Mix %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Maia, F., Yasakau, K., Tedim, J., Zheludkevich, M.L. %D 2015 %J SARISTU, Final Project Meeting and Conference %T Brittle Coating Layers for Impact Detection in CFRP %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Mohedano, M., Serdechnova, M., Blawert, C., Zheludkevich, M.L. %D 2015 %J 10th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and Their Applications, Mg 2015 %T Innovative Sealing for Coatings on Magnesium Alloys Produced by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) %U %X %0 conference lecture %@ %A Lamaka, S., Lourenco, M., Ivanov, D., Ferreira, M., Hack, T., Zheludkevich, M. %D 2014 %J 71st World Magnesium Conference, IMA 2014 %T Fault-tolerant composite protective coating for WE43 magnesium alloy %U %X