Mohammad Zarar Rasheed

Mohammad Zarar Rasheed
Materials Design
PhD StudentExperimental Investigations
- Synthesis of titanium-iron intermerallic alloy for hydrogen storage from New Zealand's natural ilmenite by metallothermic reduction
- Developing of a recycling technology for rare earth magnets based on pyrometallurgical technique
- Building expertise on sustainability, circular economy, and clean energy projects
09/2024-11/2024 Ph.D. student (Visiting researcher): Materials Science and Engineering
Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Institute of Hydrogen Technology
Department of Materials Design
since 04/2023 Ph.D. student: Materials Science and Engineering
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Robinson Research Institute
Department of Engineering
2019-2021 Master's: Industrials Technology (smart materials and manufacturing engineering)
University of Science & Technology, South Korea
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
2010-2014 Bachelor's: Materials Engineering (with a specialization in manufacturing)
Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Science & Technology, Pakistan