Dr. Marcel Ricker

Dr. Marcel Ricker
Hydrodynamik und Datenassimilation
WissenschaftlerTel: +49 (0)4152 87-1506
Research Interests
• Wave Modelling
• Physical Oceanography
• Ocean Modelling
• Operational Oceanography
• Shelf Sea Dynamics
• Lagrangian Dynamics
• Particle Tracking
• Marine Litter
- BLK-MFC Copernicus 2 Phase 2 (Black Sea - Monitoring Forecasting Centre) 2024 – today
- NWS-MFC Copernicus 2 Phase 2 (Black Sea - Monitoring Forecasting Centre) 2024 – today
- DAWN (Data Assimilation of Wave Spectra Observations and its Impact on Sea State Predictions) from 2024 (PI)
- VERIBLUE (Validation/Verification and Intercomparison of Forecast and Reanalysis Blue Products) 2023 - today
- DEISY(Design Study (and Implementation) of a High-Resolution Forecasting System for the Blue and Green Ocean in the North Sea) 2023 - today
- CRANMANII (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zur Biologie und Fischerei der Nordseegarnele CRANgon CRANgon als Basis für ein effizientes Selbst-Management-System) 2023 - today
- NECCTON (New Copernicus Capability for Trophic Ocean Networks) 2023 - today
- Technischer Support und Validierung des gekoppelten Wellenmodells „ICON-WAM“ des DWD from 2023 (PI)
- Installation of the wave model WAM at the Omani weather service" 2023 - today
- SYNWAVE (Data Assimilation of Wave Spectra Observations) 2023 - today
- BS-MFC Copernicus 2 (Black Sea - Monitoring Forecasting Centre) 2022 - today
- SEA-ReCap (Research Capacity Building for Healthy, Productive and Resilient Seas) 2021 - today
- DOORS Black Sea (Developing Optimal and Open Research Support for the Black Sea) 2021 - today
- COSYNA (Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas) 2018 - today
- BS-MFC (Black Sea - Monitoring Forecasting Centre" 2018 - 2021
- "Macroplastics Pollution in the Southern North Sea - Sources, Pathways and Abatement Strategies" 2016 - 2020
Professional Career:
2018 - today:
Wave modelling in the Black Sea
Hydrodynamic modelling in the North Sea
2016 - 2021:
PhD student in Physical Oceanography, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Thesis title: "On the Dynamics of Floating Marine Litter in the North Sea"
2014 - 2016:
Master of Science in Physical Oceanography, University of Hamburg, Germany
Thesis title: "Process studies on Baltic inflows"
2010 - 2014:
Bachelor of Science in Physical Oceanography, University of Hamburg, Germany
Thesis title: "Double diffusive structures of the Mediterranean outflow"
- Ricker, M., Behrens, A., & Staneva, J. (2024): The operational CMEMS wind wave forecasting system of the Black Sea. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 1–22, doi:10.1080/1755876X.2024.2364974
- Villa Castrillón, L., Ricker, M., Staneva, J., Meyerjürgens, J., Badewien, T.H., & Stanev, E.V. (2024): Relative dispersion and relative diffusivities in an ocean-wave coupled model of the North Sea. Ocean Dynamics (2024), doi:10.1007/s10236-024-01619-6
- Zlateva, I., Ricker, M., Slabakova, V., Slavova, K., Doncheva, V., Staneva, J., Stanev, E., Popov, I., Gramcianinov, C., & Raykov, V. (2024): Analysis of terrestrial and riverine sources of plastic litter contributing to plastic pollution in the Western Black Sea using а lagrangian particle tracking model. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol 209, Part A, 117108, doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.117108
- Meyerjürgens, J., Ricker, M., Aden, C., Albinus, M., Barrelet, J., Freund, H., Hahner, F., Lettmann, K.A., Mose, I., Schaal, P., Schöneich-Argent, R.I., Stanev, E.V., Wolff, J.-O., Zielinski, O., & Badewien, T.H. (2023): Sources, pathways, and abatement strategies of macroplastic pollution: an interdisciplinary approach for the southern North Sea. Front. Mar. Sci., 10:1148714, doi:10.3389/fmars.2023.1148714
- Belkin, I.M., Aliani, S., Alkire, M.B., Badewien, T.H., Berta, M., Durán Gómez, G.S., Eliasen, S.K., Elken, J., Griffa, A., Gruber, N., Guéguen, C., Hátún, H., Karri, R., Kowalczuk, P., Larsen, K.M.H., Marinov, I., Mathis, M., Meyerjürgens, J., Molcard, A., Nagai, T., Özgökmen, T.M., Palter, J.B., Polyakov, I., Rember, R., Ricker, M., Sarmiento, J.L., Stanev, E.V., Suaria, G., Suursaar, Ü., Takahashi, S., Tanabe, S., Wei, Q.-S., & Zambianchi, E. (2022): Introduction to the Chemical Oceanography of Frontal Zones. In: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, pp. 1-23, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, doi:10.1007/698_2022_894
- Staneva, J., Ricker, M., Akpınar, A., Behrens, A., Giesen, R., & von Schuckmann, K. (2022): Long-term interannual changes in extreme winds and waves in the Black Sea. Copernicus Ocean State Report, Issue 6, Journal of Operational Oceanography, 15:suppl, 1-220, S.2.8., 64-72, doi:10.1080/1755876X.2022.2095169
- Ciliberti, S.A., Grégoire, M., Staneva, J., Palazov, A., Coppini, G., Lecci, R., Peneva, E., Matreata, M., Marinova, V., Masina, S., Pinardi, N., Jansen, E., Lima, L., Aydoğdu, A., Creti’, S., Stefanizzi, L., Azevedo, D., Causio, S., Vandenbulcke, L., Capet, A., Meulders, C., Ivanov, E., Behrens, A., Ricker, M., Gayer, G., Palermo, F., Ilicak, M., Gunduz, M., Valcheva, N., & Agostini, P. (2021): Monitoring and Forecasting the Ocean State and Biogeochemical Processes in the Black Sea: Recent Developments in the Copernicus Marine Service. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2021, 9, 1146, doi:10.3390/jmse9101146
- Ricker, M., Meyerjürgens, J., Badewien, T.H., & Stanev E.V. (2021): Lagrangian Methods for Visualizing and Assessing Frontal Dynamics of Floating Marine Litter with a Focus on Tidal Basins. In: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, doi:10.1007/698_2021_812
- Staneva, J., Ricker, M., Carrasco Alvarez, R., Breivik, Ø., & Schrum, C. (2021): Effects of Wave-Induced Processes in a Coupled Wave–Ocean Model on Particle Transport Simulations. Water 2021, 13, 415, doi:10.3390/w13040415
- Meyerjürgens, J., Ricker, M., Schakau, V., Badewien, T. H., & Stanev, E.V. (2020): Relative dispersion of surface drifters in the North Sea: The effect of tides on mesoscale diffusivity. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, e2019JC015925, doi:10.1029/2019JC015925
- Ricker, M., & Stanev, E.V. (2020): Circulation of the European northwest shelf: a Lagrangian perspective. Ocean Sci., 16, 637–655, doi:10.5194/os-16-637-2020
- Ricker, M., Stanev, E.V., Badewien, T.H., Freund, H., Meyerjürgens, J., Wolff, J.-O., & Zielinski, O. (2020): Drifter observations and Lagrangian tracking of the 2018 easterly wind event in the North Sea. In: Schuckmann, K., et al. (eds): Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 4, Journal of Operational Oceanography, Volume 13 Supplement, Section 4.9, doi:10.1080/1755876X.2020.1785097
- Stanev, E.V., & Ricker, M. (2020): Interactions between barotropic tides and mesoscale processes in deep ocean and shelf regions. Ocean Dynamics 70, 713–728, doi:10.1007/s10236-020-01348-6
- Stanev, E.V., Ricker, M., Grayek, S., Jacob, B., Haid, V., & Staneva, J. (2020): Numerical Eddy-Resolving Modeling of the Ocean: Mesoscale and Sub-Mesoscale Examples. Physical Oceanography, 27(6), 631–658, doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2020-6-631-658
- Staneva, J., Behrens, A., Ricker, M., & Gayer, G. (2020): Black Sea Waves Analysis and Forecast (CMEMS BS-Waves) (Version 2) [Data set]. Copernicus Monitoring Environment Marine Service (CMEMS), doi:10.25423/CMCC/BLKSEA_ANALYSISFORECAST_WAV_007_003
- Staneva, J., Behrens, A., Ricker, M., & Gayer, G. (2020): Black Sea Waves Reanalysis (CMEMS BS-Waves) (Version 2) [Data set]. Copernicus Monitoring Environment Marine Service (CMEMS), doi:10.25423/CMCC/BLKSEA_MULTIYEAR_WAV_007_006
- Stanev, E.V., & Ricker, M. (2019): The Fate of Marine Litter in Semi-Enclosed Seas: A Case Study of the Black Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:660, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00660
- E.V. Stanev, T.H. Badewien, H. Freund, S. Grayek, F. Hahner, J. Meyerjürgens, M. Ricker, R.I. Schöneich-Argent, J.-O. Wolff, O. Zielinski (2019): Extreme westward surface drift in the North Sea: Public reports of stranded drifters and Lagrangian tracking. Continental Shelf Research,Volume 177, Pages 24-32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2019.03.003
- Gutow, L., Ricker, M., Holstein, J.M., Dannheim, J., Stanev, E.V., & Wolff, J.-O. (2018): Distribution and trajectories of floating and benthic marine macrolitter in the south-eastern North Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 131, Part A, pp 763-772, doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.05.003
- Staneva J., A. Behrens, M. Ricker, O. Krüger, A. Wiesse, R. Carrasco, Ø. Breivik and C. Schrum (2018): Particle transport model sensitivity on wave-induced processes in the forecasting, coupled model system, Operational Oceanography serving Sustainable Marine Development. Proceedings of the Eight EuroGOOS International Conference. Bergen, Norway., E. Buch, V. Fernández, D. Eparkhina, P. Gorringe and G. Nolan (Eds.), EuroGOOS. D / 2018 / 14.040 / 1, ISBN 978-2-9601883-3-2. 516 pp.