Küste Hero Istock-1540337901 Michael Workman

Research Activities

Sunset at Sylt

Sunset at our Radarstation Bunkerhill on the island of Sylt, Germany. -image: Jochen Horstmann/Hereon-

The core expertise of our group lies in the observation of the sea surface and near-surface areas over space and time using both in situ and remote sensing sensors. With a longstanding focus on the development and application of radar-based measurement techniques, we investigate surface properties such as waves, currents, winds and shallow water bathymetry. These methods are an integral part of various projects aimed at deepening our understanding of surface and near surface processes. Current areas of investigation include:

  • Dynamics of surface waves in coastal waters (wave, currents and seabed interaction)
  • Ocean surface winds (including tropical cyclones, marine atmospheric boundary rolls, and wind gusts)
  • Ocean surface currents (with a focus on fronts and eddies)
  • Development of radar measuring techniques for observing wind, waves, currents and bathymetry
  • Air-Sea interactions (surface wind flow and surface shear)