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The unique biogeochemical role of carbonate-associated organic matter in a subtropical seagrass meadowZeller, M.A.,Van Dam, B.R.,Lopes, C.,McKenna, A.M.,Osburn, C.L.,Fourqurean, J.W.,Kominoski, J.S.,Böttcher, M.E. (2024)
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Towards a fair, reliable, and practical verification framework for Blue Carbon-based CDRVan Dam, B.,Helfer, V.,Kaiser, D.,Sinemus, E.,Staneva, J.,Zimmer, M. (2024)
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Global lake phytoplankton proliferation intensifies climate warmingShi, W.,Qin, B.,Zhang, Q.,Paerl, H.W.,Van Dam, B.,Jeppesen, E.,Zeng, C. (2024)
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Coastal vegetation and estuaries are collectively a greenhouse gas sinkRosentreter, J.A.,Laruelle, G.G.,Bange, H.W.,Bianchi, T.S.,Busecke, J.J.M.,Cai, W.-J.,Eyre, B.D.,Forbrich, I.,Kwon, E.Y.,Maavara, T.,Moosdorf, N.,Najjar, R.G.,Sarma, V.V.S.S.,Van Dam, B.,Regnier, P. (2023)
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Wind induced algal migration manipulates sediment denitrification N-loss patterns in shallow Taihu Lake, ChinaShi, W.,Zhu, L.,Van Dam, B.,Smyth, A.R.,Deng, J.,Zhou, J.,Pan, G.,Yi, Q.,Yu, J.,Qin, B. (2022)
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Benthic alkalinity fluxes from coastal sediments of the Baltic and North seas: comparing approaches and identifying knowledge gapsVan Dam, B.,Lehmann, N.,Zeller, M.,Neumann, A.,Pröfrock, D.,Lipka, M.,Thomas, H.,Böttcher, M. (2022)
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Patterns of CO2 concentration and inorganic carbon limitation of phytoplankton biomass in agriculturally eutrophic lakesZagarese, H.,de los Ángeles González Sagrario, M.,Wolf-Gladrow, D.,Nõges, P.,Nõges, T.,Kangur, K.,Matsuzaki, S.,Kohzu, A.,Vanni, M.,Ozkundakci, D.,Echaniz, S.,Vignatti, A.,Grosman, F.,Sanzano, P.,Van Dam, B.,Knoll, L. (2021)
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Water temperature control on CO2 flux and evaporation over a subtropical seagrass meadow revealed by atmospheric eddy covarianceVan Dam, B.,Lopes, C.,Polsenaere, P.,Price, R.,Rutgersson, A.,Fourqurean, J. (2021)
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Global Trends in Air‐Water CO2 Exchange Over Seagrass Meadows Revealed by Atmospheric Eddy CovarianceVan Dam, B.,Polsenaere, P.,Barreras-Apodaca, A.,Lopes, C.,Sanchez-Mejia, Z.,Tokoro, T.,Kuwae, T.,Gutierrez Loza, L.,Rutgersson, A.,Fourqurean, J.,Thomas, H. (2021)
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Overstated Potential for Seagrass Meadows to Mitigate Coastal Ocean AcidificationVan Dam, B.,Lopes, C.,Zeller, M.,Ribas-Ribas, M.,Wang, H.,Thomas, H. (2021)
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Calcification-driven CO2 emissions exceed “Blue Carbon” sequestration in a carbonate seagrass meadowVan Dam, B.,Zeller, M.,Lopes, C.,Smyth, A.,Böttcher, M.,Osburn, C.,Zimmerman, T.,Pröfrock, D.,Fourqurean, J.,Thomas, H. (2021)
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Optimized methods for diffusive greenhouse gas flux analyses in inland watersZhu, L.,Yu, J.,Van Dam, B.,Cao, H.,Pu, Y.,Shi, W.,Qin, B. (2020)
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Carbonate-Associated Organic Matter Is a Detectable Dissolved Organic Matter Source in a Subtropical Seagrass MeadowZeller, M.,Van Dam, B.,Lopes, C.,Kominoski, J. (2020)
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Algal Accumulation Decreases Sediment Nitrogen Removal by Uncoupling Nitrification-Denitrification in Shallow Eutrophic LakesZhu, L.,Shi, W.,Van Dam, B.,Kong, L.,Yu, J.,Qin, B. (2020)
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Parameterizing Air‐Water Gas Exchange in the Shallow, Microtidal New River EstuaryVan Dam, B.R.,Edson, J.B.,Tobias, C. (2019)
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Net heterotrophy and carbonate dissolution in two subtropical seagrass meadowsVan Dam, B.,Lopes, C.,Osburn, C.,Fourqurean, J. (2019)
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