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Our main topics

Research Data Management

We support the Hereon scientists throughout the entire data life cycle from planning to collection, evaluation, and archiving, to the publication of their data. We provide tools to edit and share data online with colleagues and project partners and publish research data interactively to the general public.

We are consistently working towards the goal of making data FAIR and making it visible to the public. FAIR stands for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. To achieve this goal, we are intensively involved in collaborations to further develop and implement metadata standards.

What is research data management?

Research data management (RDM) includes organizing and controlling workflows for efficiently creating and managing data.


What is metadata? 

Metadata is a set of data describing some other data.

Web applications

What are web applications? 

Web applications are software programs that run on web browsers, providing users with interactive features without requiring installation on their devices.


We manage a comprehensive range of data types, including campaign data, model data, and sensor data. With a click on the links, you gain an overview of these data types and their applications.

Infrastructure and Technology

How to make things visible?

We develop, operate, and maintain Geographical Information Systems and applications with our GeoHub and orchestrate many public web applications hosted on our Kubernetes cluster. Additionally, we establish secure data transfer protocols from research vessels and observatories and manage a data portal with comprehensive data search capabilities. 
