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A research data infrastructure initiative 

The DataHub is the foundation for open and fair research data management (RDM) and the flow of information through data portals in the joint research programme of research field Earth and Environment (E&E) within Helmtholtz. The DataHub's mission is to promoteFAIR RDM and to develop and operate a scalable, distributed digital research infrastructure. The goal is a holistic approach to earth system sciences. After the pilot phase (2019–2020), we are now in the implementation phase, which will run until the end of 2025.

Datahub Timeline

Timeline and Project phases of the DataHub initiative.

A lot of the developments and infrastructure solutions of HCDC were carried out in close cooperation with the other seven EaE centers and are based on the joint activities of the DataHub. A key outcome of this project is the establishment of a centralized data access point for stakeholders, theEarth Data Portal (EDP).

Overall topics

  • Reference architecture for spatial data infrastructure (SDI) i.e. standards for implementations, providing standardized services like those from Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
  • Metadata and persistent identifier (PID), it cooperates with theHelmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) to make sure that it is in line with long-term plans for metadata.
  • Portal and viewer development.


Datahub Goverance

The Governance structure of the DataHub.

The governance of DataHub is characterized by the collaboration between seven participating Helmholtz centres, each of which is an independent member of the Helmholtz Association. The coordination of DataHub activities is managed by a steering group (SG). When it gets down to the operational level, the experts from the centre's research and digital infrastructure teams are split into working groups (WGs) that cover different topics, and each WG has its own spokesperson.

Example for data and service workflow

Datahub Earthdataportal

A screenshot of the EarthDataPortal.

The above image shows how the sample data from Hereon, which is managed and stored in theHCDC infrastructure, can also be searched and accessed via theEDP.



Further links


Ulrike Kleeberg
Ulrike Kleeberg

Head of Department Data Management Coastal Research

Institute of Carbon Cycles & Helmholtz Coastal Data Center (HCDC)

Phone: +49(0)4152 87 1583

E-mail contact

Steering Group Member DataHub