Project duration: 04/2023 – 03/2025

Time-series data are crucial sources of reference information in all environmental sciences. Helmholtz-Centers from the research field Earth and Environment, operate some of the largest measurement infrastructures worldwide. To ensure consistency and comparability of (meta)data from these infrastructures according to theFAIR principles, we must ensure standardised interfaces and metadata conventions. A state-of-the-art and community driven framework for time-series and sensor (meta)data, that is jointly adopted across different scientific fields and communities, is still missing.
TheHelmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) -funded STAMPLATE (SensorThings API Metadata ProfiLes for eArTh and Environment) project aims to implement and establish the SensorThings API (STA) of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) as a consistent, modern and lightweight data interface for time series data. Using representative use-cases from all seven research centers of the Helmholtz Research Field Earth & Environment, transferability and applicability of solutions is ensured for a wide range of measurement systems. The STAMPLATE project makes a decisive contribution towards a digital ecosystem and an interlinked, consistent, and FAIR research data infrastructure tailored towards time-series data from environmental sciences.
Further information and partners

Head of department
Helmholtz Coastal Data Center, HCDC
Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1583
GIS Engineer
Helmholtz Coastal Data Center, HCDC
Phone: +49(0)4152 87 2256
Data manager
Helmholtz Coastal Data Center, HCDC
Phone: +49(0)4152 87 2810