Sensor data
Data Flow
Sensor data is data from measurements of physical, chemical, or biological parameters that, unlike campaign data, are carried out continuously and in situ. Sensor data is usually selective data and has a distinct temporal and/or spatial reference.
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon already operates a larger number of sensors on mobile and stationary platforms outside the Hereon Campus. The sensors first store the measurement data locally on the measuring systems. In close coordination with IT, we develop solutions for the automated, secure and timely transfer of locally stored data to our internal server infrastructure. From there, the data can be further processed by scientists and/or made accessible internally or externally in near real time.
Advantages of automated data transmission
- Minimizes the risk of data loss
- Reduces memory requirements on the measuring system
- Reduces downtime by promptly detecting sensor problems
- Allows to provide data in near real-time
- Speeds up data publishing
You are a Hereon scientist, have a sensor and would like to transfer the data automatically and promptly to the Hereon network? We support you in installing the necessary software on the sensor system to enable a secure connection to the Hereon network and provide you with an end point through which you can access the transferred measurement files. On request, we integrate your sensor into our system for near-real-time data (NRT data) and support you in creating map applications and dashboards for Hereon-internal users and/or the interested public.