Campaign data
Campaign data
Campaign data are point or time series data collected during one or more campaigns. The campaigns can be carried out, for example, aboard a ship, on foot in mudflats, or ashore. The data is spatially limited to one location and is not continuously measured automatically like sensor data (link to the sensor data section). Often the data is generated by measurements on samples taken e.g. from seawater or sediments. Campaign data is characterized by a large variability in the metadata, i.e. the description of the data. They can arise from various disciplines and can be measured using a wide variety of methods. Thus, archiving and particularly preparing campaign date for reuse can become a time-consuming task for data curators and scientists.
The publicly accessible campaign data can be found in thecampaign database.
Sampling tablets
We support you - as a scientist at Hereon - in the planning of your campaign and the collection of metadata during the campaign, by providing sampling tablets and high-resolution GNSS receivers. You can borrow the devices from us prior to the campaign. We will teach you how to operate the devices and adjust an app for your campaign to directly save metadata in the field and transfer the metadata to the cloud.
Archiving of data
When using the sampling tablets, the metadata of the campaign, e.g. the station names, sample information, coordinates, measurement periods, and scientists involved, are checked for errors immediately after the campaign and then included in the database.
Usually it takes some time after the campaign to measure the corresponding samples. You can prepare and submit the measured values as well as information on the measurement using a template file.