SEA-ReCap is a Helmholtz Association European Partnering project, which started in November 2021. This project aims to further develop and strengthen the partnership between the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon in Germany and the Institute of Oceanology (IO-BAS) in Bulgaria and supports the current and upcoming joint research and development activities.

Photo from underwater installation at Shkorpilovtsi Pier. Image: Hereon
The western Black Sea and the North Sea are the two focus regions of the Helmholtz Partnership between Herepn and IO-BAS. The long-term objective of SEA-ReCap is to support the implementation of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the Black Sea (SRIA), and in particular the Knowledge-bridge pillar “Addressing fundamental Black Sea research challenges”. Together with HGF POF IV Topic 4 activities, this partnership will strengthen the capacity of IO-BAS with regards to new automated observation systems, implementation of novel modelling tools, integration of observational data and modelling results into scenario models and applying those to joint research projects. SEA-ReCap’s approach is based on the analysis of existing data and knowledge, and interdisciplinary field campaigns and programs, which will employ novel measuring technologies, combined with the application of existing and novel coupled ocean models. Furthermore, the developed integrative and interdisciplinary framework will address the major challenges identified in both POF IV Topic 4 and the Black Sea SRIA.
SEA-ReCap work focusses on:
- Joint development of platforms and methods for integrated observations, predictive modelling tools, and novel system-analysis: contribution to joint development of the Ocean Observing and Modelling Systems;
- Establishment of science-based information streams and packages for different plausible and desirable future states of the two coastal-ocean systems: contribution to the knowledge base for evidence-based policymaking for sustainable use coastal marine ecosystems.

a) Aerial view and location of Shkorpilovtsi Pier, on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, where the fixed-point observing station equipped with a FerryBox was set up. b) The track of the Mare Nigrum research cruise in September 2023, with the surface seawater pCO2 measurements and locations of dissolved inorganic sample sites overlain. c) The timeline of water temperature, salinity, pCO2 and pH at the Shkorpilovtsi Pier FerryBox measurement station, with several relevant biogeochemical characteristics highlighted.
The FerryBox observations since summer, 2022 are used to characterize the biogeochemistry of the Western Black Sea Shelf and we observe that the carbonate system of the Black Sea is different from the North Sea, with distinctly higher concentrations of dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity. The carbon sink/source state of the surface waters is influenced by upwelling and phytoplankton blooms, superimposed on a mainly temperature-driven seasonal cycle.
Head of Department
Coastal Productivity
Phone: +49 (0) 4152 87- 2377