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Carbon Storage in German Coastal Seas - Stability, Vulnerability and Perspectives for Manageability

CARBOSTORE is a joint project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the research program "MARE: N - Coastal, Marine and Polar Research for Sustainability” under the umbrella of the Research Framework Program“ Research for Sustainable Development” (FONA).

Carbostore Projekt Logo

The main objectives of CARBOSTORE are to investigate and assess the stability and vulnerability of different carbon reservoirs in the North Sea and Baltic Sea, relevant pathways of carbon storage, and to predict their future evolution under different scenarios of climate change and anthropogenic alterations. Based on these vulnerability studies, and taking into account relevant legal as well as socio-economic frameworks, perspectives will be developed aiming at the targeted enhancement of carbon storage in the North and Baltic Seas, i.e., net negative CO2 emissions. In addition, decision-makers (e.g., government agencies) concerned with climate change mitigation will be supported with tools to implement and translate scientific results into management options.

CARBOSTORE is specifically dedicated to the "analysis of interactions of physically driven and biogeochemical cycles (in particular CO2-uptake/biological pumping) under the combined influence of global change and other directly anthropogenic drivers." This question is investigated for the two marginal seas North Sea and Baltic Sea, whose coastline partly passes through German territory.

Our work focuses on Work Package 1, The Pelagic Realm and Task 1.2, Separation of long-term total alkalinity (TA) trends from seasonal productivity patterns. In Task 1.2, the heterogeneity of the total alkalinity (TA) in coastal systems and its influence on region-specific buffer capacities and thus the overall capacity of the coastal sea to absorb carbon dioxide will be investigated. in particular, the effects of high TA on carbon uptake and storage in the water column will be studied in the southern central North Sea and Wadden Sea-Elbe region.

For more information please visit theCARBOSTORE website.


Dr. Yoana Voynova

Head of Department

Coastal Productivity

Phone: +49 (0) 4152 87- 2377

E-mail contact
