Carbon Is Cleverly Joined with Metal: HZG Scientist Receives Henry Granjon Prize for New Methodology
Since 1948 the renowned International Institute of Welding (IIW) awards annually the most emerging young professionals and scientists award in the area of joining technology: the Henry Granjon Prize. On July 10th 2016, Dr. Seyed Goushegir is awarded this year’s prestigious prize at the IIW's 69th annual meeting in Melbourne. He received the prize for his work within the Institute of Materials Research at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht.

Dr. Seyed Goushegir
Photo: HZG/ Christian Schmid
The Henry Granjon Prize is awarded for outstanding publications in four categories carried out by young researchers working toward a master's thesis or doctoral dissertation in the field of joining technologies. Dr. Seyed Goushegir was awarded the prize for his research on a new friction-based joining process for manufacturing metal-CFRP joints. The joints made of metal and CFRP (CFRP stands for carbon fibre reinforced plastic), known as metal-composite hybrids, are being utilised in roof panels or window columns in modern automobiles. The industry is therefore searching for new joining technologies for these challenging materials combination.
The method used by Goushegir for joining metal and CFRP in overlap design (metal on top of CFRP), is called Friction Spot Joining. In this process, the metal is locally softened as a result of the frictional heat generated by the plunging motion of a rapidly rotating sleeve. While the metal part becomes soft and plasticized, the matrix of the CFRP is only melted at the surface due to the conduction of the generated frictional heat. Because of the plunging motion of the rotating sleeve, the metal is locally deformed and slightly inserted into the CFRP.
The two different materials are thereby joined firmly and permanently. The significant advantage: the process is fast, economical and environmentally friendly because this technology does not use any adhesive whatsoever.
![A compound of carbon material and metal with the " Friction Spot Joining " method
Photo: HZG/ Christian SchmidGeesthacht] carbon material](/imperia/md/images/hzg/scince/fittosize__730_0_be610dfc2a5b76c1608490f9451d600f_1310_hzg_macro_5672.jpg)
A compound of carbon material and metal with the " Friction Spot Joining " method
Photo: HZG/ Christian SchmidGeesthacht]
"This prize for Seyed Goushegir demonstrates once more what an outstanding young scientist he is," says group leader at the Institute of Materials Research and HZG joining expert, Prof. Sergio Amancio. “He has further developed the fundamentals of the technology so compellingly that this new method has already progressed to a highly advanced level.” Industrial applications of the new process have thereby become possible in a much shorter period of time. Amancio explains that the first projects with industry partners are in the pipeline.
The Iranian-born Goushegir was employed at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht from 2011 to 2016. During this time, he completed his doctoral studies at the Hamburg University of Technology. He is now a researcher at the Ilmenau University of Technology.
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