Küste Hero Istock-1540337901 Michael Workman

Elena Mikheeva


Elena Mikheeva

Stofftransport und Ökosystemdynamik


Tel: +49 (0)4152 87-1827

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Simulation of POPs cycle in marine environment with 1D and 3D models: transport, chemical transformations and biological uptake under determined hydrodynamic conditions of chosen region (coastal and deep-sea areas).

Current working setup:
Region: The North and Baltic Seas domain

Research Interests: Environment Organic Chemistry, Marine Organic Pollutants, Regional Ocean Modelling (Coastal Areas)

Elena Mikheeva at Researchgate

2018 – Present PhD candidate at Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon für Material- und Küstenforschung (Geesthacht, Germany)
2017Junior Researcher at Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Russian Scientific Center on Spitsbergen (Spitsbergen, Norway)
2015 - 2016Research Engineer at Biology Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia)
2012 - 2014Research Assistant at Chemistry of Acetylenic Compounds Laboratory, Institute of Chemistry, Saint-Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia)


2018 – Present PhD: University of Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany)
2015 - 2017Master: Double degree Program: Polar and Marine Research (POMOR), University of Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany)
2015 - 2017Double degree Program: Polar and Marine Research (POMOR), Institute of Earth Sciences, Saint-Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia)
2009 - 2014Diploma: Department of organic Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Saint-Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia)